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New Historic Rally Released: 21 Shevat, 5742

After expressing disappointment during the 15 Shevat Farbrengen that there weren’t any Tzivos Hashem rallies planned for 15 Shevat, the Rebbe requested that children’s rallies should be arranged in all places possible.

The next day, Bochurim set out all over the tristate area to fulfill the Rebbe’s directive. The next week, the Rebbe joined the children at the 'delayed' 15 Shevat Rally, held at 770.

Previously, no video of this Rally was available to the public. RebbeDrive is pleased to present this remarkable rally for the very first time in connection to the day it transpired - 21 Shevat, as well as in honor of Chof Beis Shevat, the Rebbetzin’s 33rd Yahrtzeit.



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